A question of trust and integrity

This is probably one of the most difficult pre-election columns I’ve ever written. Difficult because it is impossible to say there’s been a clear winner...

Sick hospital needs help – now

When severe stomach pain sent me to Nepean Hospital’s Emergency Department last month, it was the first time I’d been to Nepean as a...

I won’t put up with casual homophobia any longer

So many of us woke on Monday morning to discover the severity and magnitude of yet another mass shooting in the US, the biggest...

Bill’s gaffe not a gaffe at all

So Bill Shorten is sexist, living in the last century and has no idea how the modern family works. At least that's how some want to...

The A-Z Guide of the Federal Election

A is for Alan Jones. One of the most influential broadcasters in the country and a vocal Tony Abbott supporter. Can the Liberals still...

Ayres faces biggest test

It is inevitable that the debate surrounding the State Government’s stadium strategy will reach some sort of conclusion in the coming days or weeks. Compromise...

Justice system without justice

We all go about our business each day with the belief that we’ll arrive home in one piece that night. We plan for weekends, holidays,...

RMS has blood on its hands

Earlier this evening I took a drive out to the intersection of The Northern Road and Andromeda Drive in Cranebrook, where 17-year-old Kieren Birks tragically...

Abbott simply can’t win

I know this is a hard thing to do, but just for a minute or two, put yourself in Tony Abbott’s shoes. Do you retire...

Why have we stopped laughing?

Three Aussie guys – Shane, Barry and Jeff – were working on a high-rise building project. Unfortunately, Shane falls off the scaffolding and is...

Fearless predictions for 2016

Christmas is gone, another couple of million bucks has been blown up in the sky via the New Year’s Eve fireworks and we’ve all...

Wrapping up another year

This week marks the final edition of The Western Weekender for 2015. What a year it has been in Penrith. A State Election came and went, with...

Festival tragedies must stop

The death of a 25-year-old woman at the Stereosonic music festival last weekend again raises questions about the future of such events as they...

Bringing out the best and worst of us

There is no question that the attacks on Paris last weekend were horrific, tragic and terrifying to watch unfold. I visited Paris for the first...

A very Weekender wedding

I’ve been called a lot of things (‘triple chinned turnip’ is my most recent favourite), but until around 4pm this afternoon, I’ve never been...

Surround yourself with A+ staff

I am a big believer that hiring the right staff is a very important part of the overall formula for business success. They are...

I’m converted: Queenslander!

By Troy Dodds I've got a shocking confession to make: I've developed a massive soft spot for Queensland. In fact, I'm considering giving Greg Inglis a...

Losing an old friend drives home an important message

By TROY DODDS On this road we call life, we meet many different people. Some will simply pass us by. Some will have a profound impact...

Australian politics becomes a laughing stock

OPINION BY TROY DODDS The Liberal Party displayed hypocrisy of the highest order on Monday night when it knifed a sitting Prime Minister, ending Tony...

Could same sex marriage be the issue that rolls Abbott?

Opinion by Troy Dodds Tony Abbott is losing his grip on power and his standing in the community is on shaky ground after his handling...