Davies has change of heart

Councillor Mark Davies has announced that he will contest the Penrith City Council election, coming out of a rather short-lived retirement.  Cr Davies...

Zoning in on fitness

Penrith residents will now be able to get active and fit with new outdoor fitness zones and trails installed in Glenmore Park. ...

Police hunt obscene man

Police are appealing to parents to be vigilant after a man exposed himself to a five-year-old girl while in a St Marys shop....

Cycleway nearly complete

Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres today announced that work on the cycleway along Castlereagh and Mulgoa roads in Penrith, between Jane and Batt streets,...

Chase ends with crash

Detectives are questioning two men over an armed hold-up at a western Sydney post office. Police from Penrith Local Area Command were patrolling...

New car park at station

North Penrith Commuter Car Park, which offers 1,000 free car parking spaces near Penrith Railway Station, will be officially opened on Friday, August 3....

Jumping in to help

The Ross Hutchison Foundation will be holding a special fundraising event for two important local facilities on Sunday, August 12 at the Lakeside...

Top award for Council

  Penrith City Council has taken home the prestigious Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Overall Sustainable Council Award for 2012 for their environmental plan...

Little public comment on bridge

The $20 million State Government funded Nepean River Green Bridge has attracted little comment from the public despite a well-documented need for new pedestrian...

Croc shock

Ecstasy, ice, steroids, cocaine, stolen vehicles and even a crocodile. These were just some of the illegal items recovered by the NSW Police...

Council wins top award

Penrith City Council has taken home the prestigious Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Overall Sustainable Council Award for 2012 for their environmental plan ‘Sustainable Penrith...

Breaking: Frantic search for missing Penrith boy

Police are asking for public assistance to locate a boy missing from the local area. Nine-year-old Jarrod Mckenzie-Hillen left Cambridge Park Public School...

Helping hand

John Todd has been the Executive Officer of the Penrith Valley BEC for over 20 years following on from a successful career as...

Heartland no more

The Labor Party is already cutting their losses in the lead-up to the next Federal Election with Treasurer, Wayne Swan, admitting that Lindsay is...

Massive jobs boost

In a coup for western Sydney, the Federal Government has agreed to support a $29.5 million employment park in the heart of Werrington....

Lights improve safety

Drivers passing Wallacia Public School on Mulgoa Road will now have additional warning when approaching the school zone thanks to recently installed flashing...

Robbery at Cranebrook newsagency

Police from Penrith Local Area Command are appealing for information from the public following an armed robbery at a newsagency. About 5.50am...

Thain slams Liberals

Labor Councillor John Thain says the Liberal Party’s decision to not endorse candidates for the September Local Government Elections is a “slap in the...

Locals in heritage limbo

A 20-year saga over which Penrith properties deserve to be heritage listed has taken its toll on affected residents, including Councillor Jackie Greenow....

Tackling big issues

Increasing superannuation contributions, the carbon tax and payroll tax remain the sticking points for small businesses in western Sydney. On Tuesday...