Do we really need to take supplements?

Walk down the health food aisle of any supermarket and you’ll notice there’s a ridiculous amount of supplements on the market. But do we need...

Getting a divorce

Unfortunately, the percentage of marriages that result in divorce in Australia is quite high. If you find yourself in a position where your marriage has...

Successful people make their own luck

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. In other words, you make your own luck. I am a true believer in...

Being successful requires a positive mindset

Mindset is such an important part of life, let alone business. I often use the quote, “If you knew how powerful your thoughts were, you...

Throwing variety into your diet

Sometimes in an attempt to eat well we forget that food is about more than just nutrients. Food can be a social activity, a pleasurable...

The ins and outs of bail laws

A violent attack at Nepean Hospital last week, in which a police officer and security guard were shot, has brought back to the fore...

How to avoid start-up failure

Start-ups come in all shapes and all sizes, with personalities that are as diverse as the people who run them. In Australia, we are...

Cut down your ‘screen time’

Do you have digital overload? Those of us who are parents have most likely read an article or heard from experts about the dangers of...

Setting your health goals

Hands up if you’ve ever made a resolution to lose weight/live on salads/never eat chocolate again or some other variation of a food related...

The advantage of being a small business

Over the past few weeks, I have been dealing with some large companies. Those interactions have been less than satisfactory to say the least, and...

Managing your time (and money)

Ever heard the saying ‘time is money?’ There a lot of similarities between the two. Just like money, you can spend time on friends...

Health and the workplace

Most Australians spend about one third of their lives at work, so being healthy at work can make a big impact on helping to...

Perspective in a world full of fear

This week the mainstream media, social media and everyday conversations have been flooded with stories of terrorism in Paris and Beirut. A quick Google search...

The fresher the better

It’s no secret that fruits and vegetables are great for us. They’re versatile, nutritious and can be delicious. But when it comes to fresh produce...

Government’s power to declare war

Recent terrorist attacks in Paris have ignited furious debate about the role that military action should play in defeating the terrorist group known as...