The Experts

The difference the right insurance can make

Coincidentally, I spoke to two tradies recently who both suffered serious long-term injuries from seemingly innocuous workplace falls, with vastly different results. The first tradie...

Investment bonds still have a place

In the 70’s and 80’s an investment bond, also known as an insurance bond, was a very popular investment vehicle that went out of...

Hidden salt lurking in our food

By now most of us know about the link between high salt diets and increased risk of heart disease. But did you also know that...

Actions speak louder than words

Last week I was in the process of terminating a contract with a company. The company with which I was terminating had been unreliable and...

Solving a moral dilemma

Every day we are fielding enquiries from people who wish to write Wills who have adult children and have entered into their second marriage. Typically...

Learning the art of saying no

Saying ‘no’ to a request can be really difficult for many of us. It can stem from not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings or...

Have you made ridiculous goals?

When you read the title of this article, you would be forgiven for thinking that the ‘correct’ answer to the question is ‘of course...

Parents provide help

In recent weeks we’ve seen some announcements by both the Federal and State Governments that will help first home buyers purchase a home. These announcements...

Legal inconsistencies in same-sex marriage debate

The marriage equality debate is taking centre stage in mainstream media once again following the decision of Australian tennis great Margaret Court to boycott...

How physiotherapy can help people suffering with cancer

The day someone is diagnosed with cancer is a day they never forget. The diagnosis and treatment of cancer impacts both physically and psychologically on...

Does personality type predict business success?

When my business was just a fledgling one, I used to encourage anyone with even a fleeting idea, that they should start their own...

More than just the stereotype

When it comes to nutrition we tend to associate certain foods or food groups with certain nutrients. For example, if I say calcium you’ll probably...

Why you need a Will today

We are running a promotion at Complete Legal & Conveyancing for the rest of April encouraging people to do something about their estate planning. If...

Creating a Will

Sometimes we like to get back to basics with these columns so this week we have decided to revisit the art of making a...

Business success is more than having a good idea

Have you ever come across a brilliantly simple idea and thought “why didn’t I think of that?”? Conversely, have you had a fantastic idea,...

Giving your salad an image boost

If there’s one meal that has a serious image problem it’s salad. Salads are the food equivalent of Mondays, and if you’re sitting down to...

Achieving your health goals

What new year’s resolutions did you make this year? I’m going to guess that for many of you it was around diet/weight loss. I’ve done the...

Are you a wise leader?

In my experience there are more poor leaders than wise leaders. But often the actions and decisions that define those poor leaders, are things...

Don’t forget existing customers

Have you noticed that many companies have great incentives and rewards for new customers? Banks offer interest-free periods and many bonus features for signing...

Do-it-yourself burgers are the perfect fun meal

Along with pizza and hot chips, burgers have to be one of our most loved takeaway foods. So this week I thought I’d run through...