
Is the housing bubble about to burst?

Earlier this month, Channel Nine’s ‘60 Minutes’ program ran a segment suggesting that Australia is about to see the biggest property crash in our...

Self-managed super when divorce strikes

Self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) have a lot of complexities that are often overlooked when established.

Early access to our super

From social media platforms to conversations in the pub, people often want to know if they are able to access their super to pay...

How much money do you need to retire?

Last week, I was reviewing a client who was overly worried that she would essentially be living on the poverty line in retirement. Thankfully,...

Prepare for the future, but don’t ignore today

As far as I’m concerned, the aim of building wealth is to be able to provide us with the lifestyle that we choose, both now and into the future.

Escaping from the pain of debt

Over the years I have come across many clients who are drowning in debt and seem to be caught in a hole from which they can’t escape.

Investment bonds still have a place

In the 70’s and 80’s an investment bond, also known as an insurance bond, was a very popular investment vehicle that went out of...

Milestone birthdays offer a chance for reflection

Last week I turned 40! I’m really not sure where all the years went. I think back fondly on my 21st and 30th birthdays...

Why the self-employed must get serious about Super

Too many business owners lack strong Super balances at retirement.

How to boost your retirement savings

We all know the old adage, if it seems too good to be true it probably is! This is almost always the case; however...

Three mistakes you may be making in your small business

Here’s some of the most common financial planning mistakes in small business... The business doesn’t know where their profit comes from Most businesses have a pretty...

Emotions guiding our investment decisions

All too often, human nature causes us to be overly influenced by our emotions rather than logic. This is particularly relevant when it comes...

The money missing from your Will

Estate planning is complicated! From experience, most people are unaware that their superannuation does not form part of their estate and therefore is not...

Why you need to review your financial products regularly

I’ve written about this previously, but I never cease to be amazed at how lackadaisical many people are about their financial products despite it...

Don’t panic about your finances during Coronavirus outbreak

In the last week we have had the first large scale market scare in over a decade.

The difference the right insurance can make

Coincidentally, I spoke to two tradies recently who both suffered serious long-term injuries from seemingly innocuous workplace falls, with vastly different results. The first tradie...

The important difference between price and value

When developing a spending plan (or budget), an easy trap to fall into is focusing on the cost of something as opposed to the...

Early financial habits can last a lifetime

At our office, we firmly believe the earlier you start saving, the better.