Let’s get through this together

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During these unprecedented and challenging times, we need to look out for one another and do whatever we can to help those who need it.

As finance brokers, we are in a fortunate position to be able to provide important information and assistance to individuals and businesses.

If you would like to borrow funds to purchase assets, property and other investments, or refinance your current loan onto a better rate, we can help. We are seeing rates at all-time lows and we are close to seeing home loan interest rates beginning with a ‘1’.

If, like many, you are experiencing hardship at this time, we are here to help you. I would encourage you to speak with us about how we can help. A problem shared is a problem halved.

All lenders are offering hardship assistance such as switching your loan to interest only or repayment holidays of up to six months, and we can guide you on how to apply for this assistance. We may also have some other tips and ideas on how to get through this period in the best shape possible.

Lenders are currently experiencing a high level of enquiry with on hold wait times up to three hours and assessment of hardship applications taking up to 30 days, so I encourage you to begin the process now and not leave it until the last minute.

To allow us to help you with your situation please visit our Facebook page (Bell Partners Financial Services) and send us a message there.

Let’s turn the current situation into an opportunity to showcase the best of ourselves and get through this together.

Mark Stevenson

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