Understanding urinary problems in cats

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Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) encompasses a range of conditions affecting a cat’s bladder and urethra. These issues can lead to discomfort, pain, and serious health concerns, making it vital for cat owners to recognise the signs and understand the causes for early intervention.

Symptoms of urinary tract problems

A common indicator of urinary issues in cats is a change in litter box behaviour, such as urinating outside the box or more frequently. If your cat exhibits any of the following symptoms, prompt veterinary care is essential.
• Difficulty or pain when urinating, sometimes with vocalisation.
• Straining before, during, or after urination.
• Passing small amounts of urine or none at all, which is a medical emergency.
• Blood in the urine.
• Behavioural changes, such as increased aggression

Causes of FLUTD

FLUTD can occur in cats of any age but is more common in middle-aged and overweight cats. Causes include:
• Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC): Inflammation of the bladder and urethra without a known cause, a frequent contributor to urinary issues.
• Infections: Bacterial or viral infections can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs).
• Urinary Crystals or Bladder Stones: These can cause blockages or irritation in the urinary tract.
• Urethral Plugs: Blockages that prevent urine from passing.
• Stress: Environmental or psychological stress can exacerbate urinary problems.
• Cancer: Bladder or urethral cancer, though less common, can also cause FLUTD.

Often, FLUTD is caused by multiple factors, including urine concentration, diet, stress, and other health conditions.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your cat shows symptoms of urinary issues, a veterinarian will take a comprehensive history, perform a physical exam, and collect urine samples for testing. Treatment varies depending on the cause and may include pain relief, increasing water intake, dietary changes, antibiotics, and bladder supplements. In cases of urethral obstruction, emergency unblocking is required.

Preventing urinary problems

To reduce the risk of urinary issues in your cat, consider the following tips:
• Increase water intake: Ensure your cat has access to fresh water, using multiple bowls or a water fountain.
• Reduce stress: Minimise environmental stressors and consider using a pheromone diffuser to calm your cat.
• Feed moisture-rich food: Wet food is beneficial for maintaining urinary health.
• Maintain a clean litter box: Scoop the litter box twice daily and clean it thoroughly once a week, keeping it in a quiet location.
• Keep your cat at a healthy weight: Regular exercise and an enriched environment help prevent urinary issues in overweight cats.

Urinary issues in cats are common but can be serious. By recognising the signs and taking preventive measures, you can help keep your cat healthy.

For further advice and treatment, contact the team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital on 4736 2027.

Kellie Tickner, Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital

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