Four reasons your home loan interest rate is too high

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Your home loan interest rate is too high. How do I know? Law of averages and experience.

The majority of people who come to Bell Partners Finance to see if we can get them a better arrangement on their home loan end up walking away very happy indeed.

There’s many reasons why people end up paying too much interest via a much higher rate than they could get by refinancing or switching lenders.

First is loyalty. Too many people just rock up to the bank they’ve been with for years to apply for their home loan. Just because your parents opened a bank account for you at a particular back 30 years ago doesn’t mean it’s the right bank for your home loan.


Second is laziness. See above! Sometimes it can just feel easier to apply for a loan at a bank that already knows you. No need for the whole identification process, and they have all your accounts on hand. But this is a huge mistake to make.

Third is complacency. We all live busy lives and months and years go by quickly. Most of us don’t regularly check our home loan interest rates, or don’t think there will be a better offer out there. But as new lenders and products come on line, the right opportunity could be waiting around the corner.

Fourth is fear of change and what it all means. The process can feel daunting, and there’s the question of break fees and other challenges. And finding the time to speak to another lender.
But here’s the thing: one simple visit to a broker could answer all of the above challenges.

A broker will be able to find the best deal for you, and the best interest rate and product on the market.

You’re throwing money away by not having the best interest rate possible. Why not speak to a broker today and see what difference they can make?


Mark Stevenson

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