Councillors call for free shuttle bus in Penrith CBD

Councillor Sue Day.
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Penrith needs a regular and reliable free bus service, according to Independent Councillor Sue Day.

Earlier this week, Day put forward a motion asking for Penrith Council to write to NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen to conduct a feasibility study into the implementation of a free shuttle bus to service the Penrith City Centre.

The motion specifically requests a free and accessible alternative transportation option for CBD visitors that works along an efficient and designated route. She has also requested a review into current bus routes into the CBD with a view of implementing express services from outer suburbs.

Day has been a longtime advocate for increased public transport in Penrith and said that the infrastructure needs to match the development occurring throughout the city.

“We need the level two investment in the CBD and in the city because we need to be able to cope with the infrastructure and the development and we don’t have adequate infrastructure,” Day said.

“I hear the Government talking about these big, mega projects which is great… what about level two? We are a growing city, and they don’t have a level two plan. No one’s looking at level two.

“We as the advocates need to do that and that’s where this has come from.”

Day refers to level two infrastructure that would see transport be delivered for Penrith and its surrounding suburbs to access the CBD.

Day wants the bus service to reduce traffic congestion in the city centre by having an easily accessible transport service.

“In the CBD we need to do something to get people out of their cars and to get them out of their cars you need an alternative,” she said.

Day believes that by reducing traffic congestion there will be knock-on effects for the levels of foot traffic.

“What I want to let the business sector know is that I’m listening, and the fact is that I want to get more foot traffic into your business and that’s what this is about, giving your staff [a way] that they can get to work easily as well as getting you more foot traffic.”

The motion was seconded by fellow Independent Councillor Marlene Shipley who agreed that the bus service was needed for Penrith.

“I fully support all of those items that Councillor Day did mention,” Shipley said.

“We’ve got a city that’s so apart and we talk about bringing it together and I think a service like this would absolutely work really well for this area.”

Mayor Todd Carney also supported the motion.

Council will now write to Transport Minister Haylen asking for a feasibility study to be conducted.

If a free shuttle bus is ultimately implemented, it wouldn’t be the first time.

A free shuttle bus operated a little over a decade ago, but wasn’t well utilised. However, there was significant debate over the route and a lack of consultation with Council by the State Government.

It was axed in 2013.

Emily Chate

Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.

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