A concerned resident says Jordan Springs is frozen in time with pathways stopping just metres before the road and overgrown parks that have not been maintained since before summer in 2023.
Is it quickly becoming our forgotten suburb?
Local resident Jeff (surname withheld by request) is perplexed by a footpath stopping four metres from Lance Street.
“It is a tripping hazard,” he said.
A few metres away is another incomplete footpath that was originally intended to connect through to Tedbury Road, but it remains incomplete after five years.
“We are waiting for a 50-metre path,” Jeff said.
“All the houses [on Tedbury Road] have been finished for at least five years, so there is no excuse for Lendlease not putting this through.
“Now, this was all a part of the original Development Application (DA), and it was supposed to go though. On the other side, which is 50 metres away… there’s a bit in the gutter for it, ready to go, but it’s a dead end.”
Jeff has also seen a decline in the maintenance of Brick Kiln Park as it has become overgrown by bush and weeds.
“You’ve got weeds that haven’t been attended to for a few years,” Jeff said.

Jeff shared how frustrating it is to not see people enjoying the parklands like they once did.
“Down here, people used to run, and take their dogs, but that’s rarely done now because of how high the grass is,” he said.
Jeff said that maintenance of the area used to be a regular occurrence but now it is rarely done.
“It used to be done regularly and it was awesome, and it is now just not happening at all,” he said.
Jeff is hoping for regular maintenance to bring the park back to its best and give Jordan Springs back some life.
“I don’t care if it is Penrith Council or Lendlease, I don’t care who does it, but it has to be done,” Jeff said.
Penrith City Council has confirmed that developer Lendlease hold the responsibility for maintenance and care of the Jordan Springs area, and it is not a requirement of Council to maintain the area.
When contacted by the Weekender, Lendlease confirmed that targeted maintenance will begin within the next few weeks and plans to evaluate the extension of the footpath to Lance Street are underway.
“The growth of vegetation over the summer period has been steady due to the amount of rain and warm weather,” a spokesperson for Lendlease said.
“Landscape maintenance will target this area over the next few weeks so the parkland can continue to be enjoyed by residents and visitors.
“We will work with Council on the extension of the footpath to Lance Street.”

Emily Chate
Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.