Think safe, drink safe this Christmas

Members of the Nepean Liquor Accord.
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With the festive season upon us, it is no surprise that people are heading out.

The Nepean Liquor Accord is asking the community to protect themselves and their mates when they are enjoying a couple of drinks this Christmas.

Nepean Liquor Accord Chairman, David Want, said it’s important to shine a spotlight on safe drinking this summer.

The reduction in alcohol related incidents and anti-social behaviour in the Penrith LGA is the main objective this season of the Nepean Liquor Accord in collaboration with Nepean Police Area Command.

According to Want, these incidents commonly occur when people have been moved on from one venue and cause trouble at the next one they walk into.

For the past year, Accord members have been communicating live about misbehaving patrons, as part of their ‘refuse from one, refuse from all’ strategy which helps venues protect each other.

Want said licenced venues are now refusing entry to people that have been asked to leave another venue for their own safety, as well as that of other patrons and staff.

“People that drink irresponsibly, behave disorderly or participate in drug activity could be barred from all licenced venues with the Nepean Liquor Accord for 24 hours,” he said.

These are their tips for safe drinking this Christmas:

– Don’t accept drinks from others

– Be mindful of your teenage children, know where they are and where they are going, discourage underage drinking.

– Pace yourself and eat while drinking

– Consume water and drink responsibility

– Keep an eye on your mates

– Trust your feelings and instincts

– Have consent and set boundaries

– Have a ‘Plan ‘B’

The mitigation strategies implemented by the Nepean Liquor Accord can help ensure the community has a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

“We want the community to exercise safe practices over the season and to have a safe and happy new year, officers will be conducting proactive patrols in and around licensed premises, with a focus on compliance in venues and patron behaviour,” said Nepean Police Area Command Licensing Team Sargent, Hayden Burden

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