Your Grand Final preparation sorted: Our step-by-step guide

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Get into the Grand Final spirit with our guide to the 48 hour countdown to kick-off on Sunday night…

Weekend dress code: Any Panthers jersey or shirt produced since 1967. No gear from other clubs. No non-Panthers shirts. Extra points for a shirt you didn’t buy in the last three years.

Friday arvo: Call by your local bottle shop (if you’re over 18) and stock up for the weekend. Avoid buying XXXX.

Consider a beer at the Pioneer Tavern where you’ll likely run into Mark Geyer.

Friday night: Reminisce about the 2021 Grand Final with Fox League’s ‘Fox Theatre’ presentation at 6.30pm. Watch on as Ivan Cleary and key players re-live the magical night.

Late Friday night: If you’re struggling to sleep thinking about the big game, throw on Fox League at 11.30pm and watch a replay of the Panthers v Eels match from last year.

Saturday morning: Wake up and say ‘one sleep to go’ to everyone in your household. Go for an early morning walk. Pass by Panthers Stadium and soak up the sewerage smell at the north western corner of the ground.

Saturday afternoon: Settle in for the AFL Grand Final. Cheer for Collingwood as any Brisbane support this weekend is off the table. Text a mate and tell them how good an afternoon Grand Final would be.

Saturday night: Go through your plans for Sunday to make sure all is in readiness. Watch an old Panthers game on DVD. Choose from the 1991, 2003 or 2021 deciders. Complain there’s no 2022 DVD.

Find footage of Ben Hunt dropping the kick-off in Golden Point in the 2015 Grand Final just to calm the nerves ahead of Sunday.

Sunday morning: Head to Panthers Leagues Club for their $20 buffet breakfast at Kelly’s and to soak up the early atmosphere. Perfect time for your first beer of the day too, as one is included in the price.

Have a look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re better looking than Reece Walsh anyway.

Sunday mid-morning: Head over to Jamison Park for the Panthers car parade. While you’re there, text a selfie to an Eels mate and remind them how good Grand Final Day is.

Sunday lunch-time: Tune in to ‘The Sunday Footy Show’ and complain there’s too much coverage of the Broncos. Apologise to your BBQ that it’s not an afternoon Grand Final.

Sunday arvo: Even if you’ve never watched a NSW Cup, QLD Cup or NRLW game this year, there is no better time to start. Find your spot on the couch and plot your path to the bathroom and beer fridge.

If you’re heading to the game, get a move on.

6.30pm Sunday: Complain about the Grand Final Entertainment.

7.25pm Sunday: Convince yourself Brisbane are looking nervous in the dressing room.

7.30pm Sunday: All bets are off. It’s kick-off!

7.31pm Sunday: Give us a go, ref!

Enjoy your Grand Final.

Weekender Newsroom

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