Revised design for Winter Sports World revealed as neighbours flag concerns

The new Winter Sports World design has been unveiled. Construction is expected to begin next year.
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The final alpine inspired design for the proposed $400 million Winter Sports World (WSW) has been unveiled, with the project one step closer to being determined by the State Government.

Local developer Peter Magnisalis lodged a State Significant Development Application last month which could see a 300-metre advanced run for skiers and snowboarders, a learn to ski run, ice climbing, 170 hotel rooms and restaurants on the 2.35-hectare site at 2 Tench Avenue, Jamisontown.

With Sydney architecture firm Collins & Turner winning a design competition, the snow resort will use lighting and textural details to give the appearance of a blizzard and melting glacial ice, inspired by the flowing nearby Nepean River.

Now in line with planning controls, Mr Magnisalis said the building will look like an “elegant sculpture” while being energy efficient.

“It is 54 metres in height away from the river towards Mulgoa Road and it will descend down towards the river faster as we have reduced the bulk and scale of the building,” Mr Magnisalis said.

“The parking will be in the basement and all traffic will go through Wilson Lane which is an earmarked road that hasn’t been formed up so we will have beautiful landscaping along Jamison and Tench for people to enjoy.”

Getting an icy reception from neighbouring Nepean Shores, Mr Magnisalis said he is committed to addressing residents’ concerns.

“We have created a six-metre set back from the boundary and will provide an open style fence allowing them to enjoy the extensive landscaping,” he said.

“The building envelope has been cut down so that all the dwellings in Nepean Shores will receive a minimum of three hours sun during winter solstice on June 21 as I know it’s important for them to have that amenity.”

The Weekender met with members of the Nepean Shores Residents’ Committee who said they still have issues with the development.

“The concept is great but just not here. It is going to be an absolute eyesore overshadowing some of our homes, blocking the beautiful view of the horizon and adding further traffic and congestion to the river precinct,” a committee spokesperson said.

“We are speaking for majority of the residents who have grave concerns about it. We are worried it will disrupt the peaceful area with bright lights all night and noise from people and the generators to run it.”

WSW’s initial vision in 2018 was also set to include an ice rink, but Mr Magnisalis confirmed that it was removed from the final design due to the reduced building envelope and the need to comply with the recently endorsed planning controls.

After the closure of Penrith Ice Palace in June, the proposed inclusion of a rink was welcomed by members of the impacted sports.

“The announcement of WSW having to sacrifice the inclusion of an ice rink to comply with height restrictions is another blow to the over 500 former Penrith based ice sports athletes,” a Western Sydney Ice Sports Co-operative spokesperson said.

“We are calling for Government and Councils to support our community and instead of inaction, which is killing our sport, help our community source and fund a new rink site in western Sydney.”

Mr Magnisalis maintains that it will solidify Penrith as a must visit destination.

“This is a great opportunity for the area with no offering like it in Australia and it is a huge draw card for international tourists,” he said.

“We are looking at over 1350 ongoing jobs once it is operating and a massive injection into the NSW economy of over $220 million each year.”

Emily Feszczuk

A graduate of Western Sydney University, Emily covers Local, State and Federal politics for the Weekender, as well as crime and general news.

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