Londonderry MP Prue Car returns to work after cancer surgery

Prue Car in Jordan Springs. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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Londonderry MP Prue Car says she will return to work this week after successful surgery to remove a large tumour on her kidney.

The Deputy Labor Leader said she will continue to go undergo surveillance testing.

“I am deeply grateful to the medical professionals who ably and tirelessly supported me throughout my treatment and recovery. My tumour ended up being so aggressive that it was double the size of what was predicted,” Ms Car said.

“I have no doubt that without the work of these incredible people, things could have turned out very differently for me. The level of care they have shown me has been second to none.

“I am delighted I will now be back out and about in my beloved western Sydney community, who have shown me such humbling love and support over the past few months.”

Ms Car is recontesting the seat at Londonderry at the State Election next March.

“I look forward to working as hard as I can as the Member for Londonderry and as Deputy Labor Leader in NSW to elect a Minns Labor Government in March next year,” she said.

“Thank you to everyone for your support, I will not forget it.”

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