Local lunch aims to raise money for Ukraine

Dr Adrian Sheen is helping to organise the July 31 luncheon. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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With nearly 15,000 kilometres between Penrith and Ukraine it is easy to not understand what is going on in the war torn country.

For locals who want to aid those impacted, a charity lunch is being held at Lakeside Restaurant within Sydney International Regatta Centre on Sunday, July 31.

Dr Adrian Sheen, who is helping to organise the event, told the Weekender it is a great opportunity for the community to come together to help a country in crisis.

“We do live far away but I think everyone can agree that the events of this war are appalling and will go on for generations to come,” Dr Sheen said.

“This event provides people with a way to make a meaningful donation and I hope this can be the start of a project that is embraced by the people of Penrith.”

With terrifying scenes and at least 15 million Ukrainian citizens displaced, the war is having flow-on effects to the rest of the world.

“If there is no peace by October, the northern winter will add more terrible conditions for the people of Ukraine,” he said.

“There is no end in sight and the country is on the frontline of a war which could so easily engulf Europe.”

Working in partnership with Ukraine Crisis Appeal and Rotary International, the lunch will take place from 12pm to 4pm at the beautiful Lakeside Restaurant.

Dr Sheen said apart from raising money, it will give locals further insight to exactly what’s happening in Ukraine.

“The lunch will have representatives from the Ukrainian community to talk about the situation and there will be Ukrainian musicians and dancers, along with Mulgoa Road Jazz Band,” Dr Sheen said.

“The main cause will be working towards raising money to refurbish a Ukrainian school for use by those who have been displaced, which will cost $110,000.”

With a large target to reach, Dr Sheen said any extra support is welcomed in the lead-up to the lunch.

“We will also be holding raffles and silent auctions, so if any businesses want to donate a prize for the event we would be most grateful,” he said.

“People can also do direct monetary donations to http://www.ukrainecrisisappeal.org, but make sure under requests you put ‘Penrith project’ so your donation can be added to the fundraising event.”

With limited space, it is encouraged to secure tickets as soon as possible for the July 31 event.

“Tickets are $160 which covers a three course meal and a $100 tax deductible donation,” Dr Sheen said.

“People have lost their relatives; they have lost their homes and have to start all over again, so this is the least we can do to help in someway.”

To book your tickets to the lunch at Lakeside Restaurant on July 31, visit http://www.trybooking.com/BZUEB.

Emily Feszczuk

A graduate of Western Sydney University, Emily covers Local, State and Federal politics for the Weekender, as well as crime and general news.

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