Kitty wants you to laugh all night

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Much-loved comedian Kitty Flanagan is performing a special encore of her smash hit show, ‘Smashing’, at The Joan in Penrith to give audiences one final opportunity to see her do what she does best.

Kitty said she isn’t nervous for her encore show but excited and will take the audience through a whole range of emotions as she covers a range of topics from sex to Cirque du Soleil and footy players.

“You should expect to feel happy, hysterical, surprised, awkward, happy again, then really hysterical, then totally amazed, and finally exhausted but satisfied,” Kitty told the Weekender.

“My inspiration comes from real life, things that happen around me, stuff my family does or says, random things I overhear when I’m out and about. But my parents haven’t been allowed to come to this show and you’ll understand why if you see the show.”

While you can see her on the screen on ABC TV’s ‘The Weekly with Charlie Pickering’ and 10’s ‘Have You Been Paying Attention?’, Kitty said being on stage is her favourite thing.

“I love doing the TV stuff because it’s great fun working with other people and the perfectionist in me likes that you get to do things over a few times until you get it just right,” Kitty said.

“My favourite thing though in the world is stand-up. It’s the best feeling ever to be on a stage in front of real-life people making them laugh.”
Kitty has had an amazing career making people laugh and her latest show does just that. She encourages everyone to come and see a real show while leaving the kids at home, unless you want them getting a Kitty Flanagan-style education.

“This show is not just a lady and a microphone talking at you, but I really put in and perform my ass off,” Kitty said.

“I like people to walk away from my shows going ‘well that was certainly worth getting off the couch and going out for’ and, at the risk of sounding like an ad, it’s just a top night out!”

Kitty Flanagan will be on at The Joan on Friday, August 16 at 8pm. Tickets are $54.90. To book, call 4723 7600.

The Weekender has a double pass to ‘Smashing’ plus a Kitty Flanagan merchandise pack to give away. For your chance to win, email [email protected] with ‘Kitty’ in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your contact details. Entries close Wednesday, July 31 and winners will be notified by email. Authorised under NSW Permit No LTPM/19/04131. Terms and conditions are available at or from Weekender reception.

Emily Feszczuk

A graduate of Western Sydney University, Emily covers Local, State and Federal politics for the Weekender, as well as crime and general news.

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