Safety of kangaroos in question

Mark Pentecost in Ropes Crossing where inadequate fencing sees kangaroos wander onto the road
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Ropes Crossing resident Mark Pentecost has had enough of the kangaroo carnage after seeing dozens of needless wildlife deaths.

He says the negligence to erect an adequate kangaroo proof fence, particularly around Ropes Crossing Boulevard, has contributed to public risk and distress while failing to protect native fauna.

After contacting various Government organisations and being told that the Department of Planning and Environment would take measures to initiate fencing repairs and works two years ago, he says the problem still exists.

“You’ve got Government departments acting irresponsibly,” Mr Pentecost said.

“It’s been two years, nothing appears to have happened. Let’s work together to solve this. It’s just something that should have been fixed ages ago. Let’s form a team to act and not pass the buck.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment confirmed that following correspondence from Mr Pentecost, the Department undertook an inspection of the site and that “maintenance of the fencing has been continually undertaken at the site as required”.

“The Department has been working with Penrith Council and NSW Crown Lands on the best way to manage property at Ropes Crossing to allow the movement of kangaroos through the fauna corridor while ensuring the safety of the public,” the spokesperson said.

“Given the land is part of a wildlife corridor, a land survey has been conducted of the site and engineers are being consulted to determine the best course of action and whether an animal underpass can be built between the Department’s, NSW Crown Lands’ and Penrith Council’s lands.

“In the interim, the Department has encouraged the local council to consider more warning signs around the site and/or reduced speed limits.”

But Mr Pentecost claims that there has been no action for even a temporary solution regarding the fencing.

“It is absolutely wrong, no work has been done on those fences for two years since I complained,” he said.

“I offered to meet them on site and walk them around to show them the problem, and that offer was never taken up.”

Just days after contacting the Weekender, Mr Pentecost came across kangaroos that had escaped from the Wianamatta Regional Park on Monday morning.

After some time, he managed to herd them back into the park preventing another possible death, but was frustrated to find the gate had been left wide open for wildlife to come and go as they please.

“There’s a kangaroo with a joey and a young kangaroo out on the street,” he said.

“Why would you have a Regional Park with kangaroos in it and a driveway as wide as a bus where they can just hop out?

“It’s just an accident waiting to happen. Would you have a zoo and keep the gates open?”

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage was also contacted for comment but did not respond by deadline.

Emily Newton

Emily Newton is the Weekender's police and political reporter. Emily is also the Weekender's Senior Journalist.

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