Quirky road rules you may not know about

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Most of us know our mainstream road rules back to front.

There are some other road rules in New South Wales that you might not be aware of however, and they can be a little quirky.

Here are some examples:

Phones down for young drivers

Did you know that you can’t use a mobile phone at all, even via Bluetooth, if you are a P-plater?

Since December 2016, a P-plater cannot use a mobile phone in any capacity in a car.

You can also be charged with a mobile phone related offence if your phone is sitting on your lap, even if you are not using it while you are in the car, or if you are flicking through emails or sending a quick text while in a fast food drive through.

The best way to protect yourself from this type of offence is to adopt a “hands off” policy if the vehicle is on and keep your hands off your phone.

Stay inside the car

It is an offence to have part of your body outside of your window. This means that if you are one of those people that stick your arm out of your window while you are driving, or farewell friends and family with a wave from your car window, you could be guilty of an offence. It is also an offence to toot your horn in farewell, as this is considered an inappropriate use of your car’s warning device.

It’s right to keep left

You must keep left unless overtaking. FYI – you can also however be charged with driving dangerously slow, so remember even if you are in the left lane, it is best to stick to or close to the speed limit.

Tell others what you’re doing

Roundabouts – remember you must indicate left whenever leaving a roundabout. If you do not, you are guilty of an offence and may receive a fine.

Keep it secure

Make sure you always lock your car and remove the keys from the ignition. It is an offence to be standing more than three metres from your car without removing the ignition key and locking the doors and windows.

Keep your friends on notice

When it comes to passengers, make sure they remember that their conduct could lead to the driver getting a fine as well. For example, somebody reclining in the front passenger seat can be deemed to be a seatbelt offence and attract a fine for the driver.

There are a range of other quirky little road rules that might find you in a bit of strife if you come across an overzealous police officer.

Daniel McKinnon

Since graduating with two degrees in Law and Commerce from the University of Wollongong, Daniel’s spent over ten years solving a wide range of legal problems for the people of Western Sydney.

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