Sleep problems

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If you have trouble getting to sleep, or staying asleep, you are not alone. Sleep disorders are very common in Australia with one quarter of adults and almost as many children experiencing sleep problems.

Sleep problems can mean anything from a few nights where you have difficulty getting to sleep, to long term problems.

The two most common sleep complaints are not being able to get enough sleep (insomnia) and not getting refreshing and good quality sleep (sleep disorder).

Long term sleep problems can have a major impact on your life. Drowsiness and finding it hard to concentrate can affect school work or you performance at work.

This can also cause depression and mood disorders. Stress, anxiety and an overactive mind are common causes of sleep problems.

Good sleeping patterns can be helped by having a good routine so try to establish a regular bedtime and wake up time.

If you do suffer from sleep problems, its worth taking note of things that affect your sleep and also what helps you get a good night’s sleep.

Some simple tips to help you get a good sleep include reducing your caffeine intake, especially after lunch time, exercising regularly and avoiding napping in the day.

Sleeping tablets can be useful in the short term, but long term they can cause problems so you should talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

The longer period you take sleeping tablets the less effective they tend to become, meaning you need more of them just to get to sleep.

They also can create a dependence on using them. A safe and natural supplement to consider is magnesium. Many people are deficient in magnesium, which can help calm the nervous system, reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Finally a calm mind can be the biggest factor in getting good sleep. Simple meditation or breathing techniques before bed can help.

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