So now winter is here, rug up or you will get sick! I think we have all heard a version of this but is it actually true? Why does it seem like everyone gets sick in winter?
There are different theories like being inside more you’re closed up with other sick people to catch something off or in cold weather our nose dries out and isn’t as effective removing germs through mucus.
Or that the cold slows our metabolism down and the immune system with it. Cold can actually speed metabolism and fat burning! But there are some things that do slow metabolism, like forgetting exercise or nutrition.
Picture the classic sick person, home alone wrapped in a blanket with the sunken eyes and pale face clutching a box of tissues and a cup of tea coughing at every sip. Now picture someone who’s feeling great in the cold, what about someone out in a park kicking through piles of brown leaves laughing with bright pink cheeks as they throw a ball for their dog to chase.
They’re just lucky they’re not sick too. Or is it luck? Why do some people seem to get through winter having fun outside while others are stuck in bed?
I have never seen any research proving that winter makes you sick. But there is plenty around showing that a lack of activity does, also eating low quality ‘comfort’ food. Same for social isolation.
There are some scary stats on how much social interaction affects your health. One questionnaire given to elderly people after surgery found the strongest indicator of survival rates post op were the questions about their social network at home. Those with none had a lower survival rate!
In fact if you actually wanted to make someone sick put all those things together and your chances will increase 10-fold. So if you’re thinking when you get home you will skip walking the dog because it’s a bit cold now and catch a bit of extra TV instead, then do some two minute noodles or a tin of soup for dinner, your odds of getting a cold start to rise accordingly.
Instead picture that person running through the park again, but now with a soccer ball and a group of friends. This time see it through their eyes. What would you have to organise now to be that person?
Now go do it! See you next week. If not down at the park before…