Buried for a cause

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A local retailer stepped up a campaign against the “dirty coal industry” by burying a staff member neck deep in coal on Wednesday.


The striking – and dirty – protest marked the launch of Lush Cosmetic’s campaign against the Australian coal industry. The protest took place at the Westfield store.


But why is a soap shop in a lather over coal mining?


“Coal is probably the dirtiest form of energy on the planet,” said Lush campaign manager, Megan Taylor.


“Mining coal scars our landscape and burning it pollutes our communities with noxious air and dust. Let’s draw a line in the sand and keep coal in the ground.”


This week, the Penrith Lush store is turning into a campaign centre against coal.


People can drop by to learn about the issue, sign a petition against new coal plants and ask the government to invest in renewable energy.




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