Greg Davies is new Mayor

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WEEKENDER FIRST: A deal that guaranteed Ross Fowler would be Mayor has been left in tatters after Greg Davies sensationally grabbed Penrith’s top job tonight.

As revealed by the Weekender last week, former Liberal councillor Marko Malkoc was planning to use his vote as an independent to side with Labor, and leave a deal between Liberal and some independent councillors dead and buried.


Malkoc voted with for Labor’s candidate, Greg Davies, who had the numbers to become Mayor.


Jackie Greenow was elected Deputy Mayor.


“It gives me great honour to be put in this position,” Cr Davies said.


“I thank my colleagues for the vote of confidence.”

Cr Davies said he would like to see Council “forget” about State and Federal politics and focus on Council issues.

But Ross Fowler – who just months ago was considered a certainty to grab the Mayoral robes – said State and Federal issues were important to Council, and shouldn’t be overlooked.

“There is no doubt it will be a tough year,” Cr Fowler said.

“People look up to you in this worthy position.”

Weekender News Network

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