Penrith City Council is inviting the community to give their feedback on draft plans that will decide the future of the St Marys Town Centre.
Both the draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan and the design concept for the St Marys Central Park will be on public exhibition from Monday, November 4 to Saturday, November 30 after Council this week voted to endorse the exhibition.
“We’ve been working collaboratively with the community, local businesses, government stakeholders and organisations every step of the way as we plan for the future the St Marys Town Centre,” said Penrith Mayor Todd Carney.
“We want to hear from as many people as possible to make sure that we are continuing in the right direction as St Marys becomes an important strategic centre in western Sydney.”
The draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan was developed after St Marys was identified as becoming an important strategic centre in western Sydney as construction of the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport rail line continues.
The draft plan shows how Council will achieve its vision for a revitalised Town Centre across key areas like infrastructure, housing, employment, open space areas and transport through its key outcomes.
The draft plan highlights the rejuvenation of Queen Street as a mixed use ‘high street’ entertainment and dining precinct.
It speaks of a consolidated Commercial Core complemented by a new co-working and creative hub of activity on the northern approach to the Town Centre.
The plan also aims for retention of the productive and diverse industrial precinct north of Harris Street, and an “enlivened Civic Heart Precinct”, including a new ‘Central Park’ and future Library and Community Hub.
There will be greater housing choice, and diversity of dwelling typologies close to transport, jobs, services and amenity.
The plan focuses on the retention of the low-scale character of the Historic Living Precinct with a strong connection to St Marys’ rich past, sensitively intensified to support housing growth in a transit-oriented centre.
There is a peripheral vehicular movement corridor around the Town Centre Core streamlining through-traffic and bus movement and protecting Queen Street’s ‘place’ function.
There will be consolidation of public car parking spaces into multi-deck structures accessible via the peripheral movement corridor, enabling redevelopment opportunities within the Town Centre.
Along with new and improved public open spaces, the plan includes enhanced connections to Wianamatta South Creek and restoration of the creek corridor.
Councillor Garion Thain spoke in favour of the draft plan, saying it was important to speak with people on the local level.
“Having read the draft Master Plan it’s just incredibly exciting for St Marys,” he said.
“I think it’s great that we are doing this on a local level, engaging with local stakeholders because no one knows St Marys better than the people that live in this LGA and call St Marys home.”
Councillor Reece Nuttall also spoke in favour of the motion, saying the only way forward is to consult with the community.
“We have one vision and that is to service the people of Penrith,” he said.
“This going on public exhibition is the only way that we, as Councillors, can understand what issues face our constituents and people in our community.”
Council has also prepared a design concept for the St Marys Central Park project, which will supplement the St Marys Town Centre plan.

The Central Park will see the connection of Coachman’s Park and Kokoda Park into one and act as the civic green heart of St Marys.
The new park will have an entertainment area, new children’s play space including waterplay, lawn area, trees, pathways and lighting.
To have your say on the draft plans, visit or attend one of the in-person feedback sessions which are being held at Coachman’s Park on Wednesday, November 6 from 10am to 12pm, St Marys Library on Wednesday, November 13 from 4pm to 6pm and Village Café in Wattle Park on Thursday, November 21 from 9.30am to 11.30am.

Emily Chate
Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.