Penrith has been handed a housing target of 8,400 new homes to be completed by 2029.
It comes as the State Government releases details of its plan to rebalance housing across the state and address the housing crisis.
“We’re losing too many young people, people who make the city vibrant, essential workers and young families because they can’t afford a place to live in NSW. This has to change,” said Premier Chris Minns.
“I’ve talked a long time about the need to ensure we have a fairer balance of housing across the state – so housing is built close to already established transport links, schools and hospitals.
“While these targets are required to be released, the government has already acknowledged that they will be difficult to meet.
“That’s why this government is pulling all levers required to reforming planning and setting targets for housing growth, while providing the infrastructure needed to build better communities.”
Planning and Public Spaces Minister Paul Scully said the targets released were “ambitious but realistic”.
“We all need to be accountable. For too long, housing has been delivered without a plan,” he said.
“The new targets make for a fairer distribution across Sydney and NSW, with growth in areas where jobs and transport exist or are planned for.
“The good news is that nearly two thirds of homes are either planned, under assessment or under construction.
“The State has already reformed the planning laws to improve efficiency and speed approvals. We’re also investing $200 million to support councils with the infrastructure that builds better communities.”
Penrith’s target of 8,400 new homes is lower than a number of comparable Local Government Areas.
The Liverpool Local Government Area is expected to deliver 16,700 new homes by 2029 while Campbelltown’s target is 10,500 despite having a lower population.
Penrith Council has been contacted for comment.

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