Man sentenced over historic indecent assault

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A man has been given a two year community corrections order (CCO) after a judge found him guilty of indecent assault.

Craig Rumbsy, 56, appeared at Penrith District Court on Wednesday, December 6, where he was sentenced in relation to the single offence.

He appeared via audiovisual link from a suite, where he is serving at least 24 years for murdering a teenager over two decades ago.

Judge Pauline David read out a set of agreed facts to the court, which detailed the offending that took place.

The court heard the victim was indecently assaulted by Rumsby in 2007, at a house in Regents Park.

“The offender used his hand to squeeze her bottom through her pyjama pants,” Judge David said.

In 2020, Rumbsy participated in an electronically recorded interview, where he told police “he might have hit her on the arse”.

In 2022, the offender was committed for trial, and he pleaded guilty to ‘assault with an act of indecency’.

On Wednesday, his lawyer and the crown prosecutor were in agreeance that the offence was at the lower end of objective seriousness.

The lawyer requested a CCO, given that Rumbsy is already serving a “lengthy” term of imprisonment.

Judge David took a number of factors into account, including the victim’s age and her relationship with the offender.

She also noted that Rumsby has a serious cardiac condition, as well as another illness, which is expected to reduce his life expectancy by at least 10 years.

Lastly, the judge considered the offender’s upbringing and psychological reports, accepting that he was exposed to violence at a young age.

Before handing down the decision, Judge David said a CCO would be more of a “symbolic sentence”.

“I accept that it was a spontaneous and opportunistic act,” she told the court.

“In my view, the appropriate sentence is a community corrections order.”
Rumsby was convicted and given a two year CCO, which will expire in December 2025.

As conditions of the order, he must attend court if called upon to do so and refrain from committing any further offences.

He will remain behind bars until at least 2044, when he becomes eligible for parole.

Makayla Muscat

Formerly with the ABC, Makayla is a graduate of Western Sydney University. She covers a variety of news topics for the Weekender, including courts.

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