Marise Payne announces retirement

Marise Payne.
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Former Foreign Minister Marise Payne has announced her retirement from the Senate, effective, September 30.

In a statement, Payne, who has over 26 years of service as a Senator for NSW, said it has been an extraordinary honour to be elected to represent the community in the Federal Parliament.

“To have had the privilege to have served as long as I have, and in the process to have become Australia’s longest serving female Senator in history, is something of which I am very proud,” she said.

“This Chamber, although far from perfect, is a unique and vital part of the Australian democracy.

“From my first Senate Committee in the Howard Government, to my final committee roles in this Parliament, I have always known that our work makes a difference.”

Although she said she is retiring from the Senate, Payne said it is a “long way” from complete retirement.

“I look forward to the next phase of my professional life, where I will seek a portfolio career with a range of elements, and in doing so, also look forward to using the invaluable experience I have gained in this place, around the cabinet table and globally, to continue to make a contribution to our country,” she added.

“I sincerely thank all those with whom I have worked and who have supported me over more than two decades.”

Payne also thanked Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton for inviting her serve as Shadow Cabinet Secretary, saying she looks forward to seeing him lead Australia as Prime Minister.

Ellie Busby

Ellie Busby is a news reporter for Western Sydney Publishing Group. A graduate of the University of Hertfordshire and Western Sydney University, she is a journalism Major. Ellie has worked with Universal Media, The Cova Project and for a range of other projects.

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