Seven local local sporting organisations will receive funding thanks to the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grants Program.
Penrith MP Stuart Ayres said projects funded across Penrith would encourage participation in sport across all age groups and bring the community closer together.
“It is so important we continue supporting our local sporting clubs. They are the life-blood of our communities and key to ensuring kids and adults across Penrith live a healthy and happy lifestyle,” he said.
“Whether its water sports or ball sports we are ensuring our local clubs get the facilities they need to get all genders and ages out and being active.”
Projects funded locally include:
• Nepean Aquatic Centre Swim Club $6,520 – Short Course Swim Meet 2023
• Nepean Football Association Inc. $5,130 – NFA Harmony Week 2023 Project
• Blue Mountains Football Club Inc. $8,450 – Replacement of Canteen equipment.
• Nepean Rowing Club Ltd $10,000 – Rowing Quad
• Pendragons Dragon Boat Club $9,900 – Dragon Boat Club Training Program
• Kairali Thunders Penrith Inc $10,000 – Social Cricket Come and Try Family Event
• Cambridge Park Cranebrook Junior Rugby League Football Club $10,000 – Grand Stands & Concrete works
Minister for Sport Alister Henskens said the program will encourage people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the benefits of sport and active recreation.
“This funding will provide a cash injection to help improve sport facilities, enhance accessibility and hold new and exciting events and development programs,” Henskens said.
“No government has invested in community sport like the Liberal and Nationals, and this program is another example of the more than $1 billion we’ve pumped into grassroots community facilities and infrastructure.”

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