Mamre Road upgrade to begin next year

Mulgoa MP Tanya Davies at Mamre Road. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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A much-needed upgrade to Mamre Road is one step closer to reality with the detailed design of work set to be finalised following feedback from the community.

The plan for the 3.8-kilometre stretch of road between the M4 Motorway and Erskine Park Road at St Clair went on display to the public in August and September last year.

Factors such as operational traffic, noise mitigation, vegetation impacts and construction concerns were considered in the Review of Environmental Factors report which was compiled after the public exhibition.

Member for Mulgoa Tanya Davies said she is pleased that the response from residents has assisted in modifying parts of the plan.

“The plan has been modified so that there is a better shared path for residents, improvements to the Banks Drive intersection with an additional through lane each way and better turning facilities,” Ms Davies said.

“Without a doubt it is going to be a lot safer for people travelling on the road and people moving in and out of St Clair itself.”

A major takeaway from the consultation period regarding Banks Drive will be implemented as a result.

“The project plan has been amended to incorporate feedback about having a designated exit lane from Banks Drive which will feed into the turning lane at the M4 which should streamline and make the exit a lot less tricky,” she said.

Mulgoa MP Tanya Davies at Mamre Road. Photo: Melinda Jane.

“At the moment if you come out of Banks Drive and travel north on Mamre Road you then have to turn into the turning lane on the M4 whereas now that will have its own designated laneway so the existing two lanes coming out of Banks Drive will go straight ahead into St Marys, which is really good.”

$24 million has been allocated in the most recent State Budget with a total of over $200 million being invested over the next three years to deliver the upgrade.

Once the tender is finalised work on the project is set to commence next year.

“Another important project I’m delivering is the Roper Road M4 westbound on ramp, which is under construction, which we are ensuring will be finished before Mamre Road begins because there’s likely to be some disruption to M4 westbound access once the project gets underway,” she said.

“The government has rezoned a large section of Mamre Road for industrial and employment purposes, so this is the government delivering the necessary infrastructure to help support that redevelopment.”

Emily Feszczuk

A graduate of Western Sydney University, Emily covers Local, State and Federal politics for the Weekender, as well as crime and general news.

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