Older Australians are embracing help at home and remaining independent.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by everyday activities becoming too hard or risky on their own, they are adding a little care at home to keep on top of things and look after themselves.
Common signs you might need help include if you are:
1. Often too tired to cook yourself meals.
2. Increasingly worried about falling.
3. Unable to drive yourself safely to appointments and social outings.
4. Forgetting medications.
5. Neglecting chores around the home because you’re worried about hurting yourself.
6. Fatigued by daily tasks like taking out the bin.
7. Not confident to have showers.
8. Missing appointments.
9. Eager to have regular companionship in your home.
10. Unable to care for yourself as well as your partner.
It is normal to feel as though asking for help is a burden or loss of independence, but it’s the opposite. Having someone to drive you places, for example, will give you the freedom to get out of the house. And by having assistance with difficult chores, you reduce the risk of injuring yourself, which means you stay healthier and able to live independently at home for longer. Seek help now to avert a future crisis.
The type of in-home care you receive depends upon your circumstances.
When looking for a care provider, it is important to understand what support and assistance is available to you. At Home Instead Senior Care Penrith they match you with CAREGivers who build relationships of trust through professionalism and consistency of carer, delivering services at times that suit your needs.
They can help you access private or government funded care. Call their Home Instead Senior Care Penrith office on 4722 2256 and speak with one of the team.

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