“I fight the system and the system fights me”, says Lindsay candidate

Jim Saleman.
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What we’ve got right now in the electorate of Lindsay is ‘dirty politics’ according to far right political activist and Australia First Party (AFP) candidate for Lindsay, Jim Saleam.

“The candidates are products of an underground struggle for political influence,” he said.

Mr Saleam, National President for the AFP, said although he lives in Tempe in Sydney’s inner west, his interest in the seat of Lindsay is purely political and ideological.

“We are one of the few ideological parties – we weigh things up and try to put things in a framework,” he said.

After ‘weighing things up’, they argue for the compulsory detoxification of people affected by serious drugs and are against the extension of Western Sydney University’s Kingswood campus.

Mr Saleam said the AFP are campaigning against mosques in Kemps Creek, and they believe in the total termination of the national immigration program.

“The one in place is not immigration, it’s ethnic cleaning policy,” he said.

They oppose large scale developments along the Nepean River that Mr Saleam said will destroy local fruit, vegetable and chicken industries, and like the Australian Liberty Alliance, they are against overseas property purchasers.

But Mr Saleam said they are different to the Australian Liberty Alliance or independent conservative candidate Marcus Cornish, despite admitting it will be hard to differentiate their messages in the public campaign.

Mr Saleam could not confirm who he would preference on his how to vote card, but guaranteed that nowhere in Australia will the AFP preference a sitting member.

To narrow it down further, he didn’t speak fondly of Penrith Councillor Marcus Cornish, and said there was no difference between the Liberal and Labor parties.

Mr Saleam flatly denies any wrongdoing in offences he served jail time for, including property offences and fraud in 1984, and of organising a shotgun attack on an African Congressman in 1989.

“I’m a nationalist politician, I have been around for a long time. I fight the system and the system fights me,” he said.

“Locking me up is just another day in the zoo, it means nothing to me. I am proud they sent me to jail.”

Dale Drinkwater

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