A frightfully good show

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Prepare to be scared this Halloween and beyond with Ruby Productions’ ‘The Mystery of the Monsters’ Big Ball’.

Opening on Halloween night this original musical cabaret show – which is a mix of a musical version of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ – will bring together mystery, music, comedy and a touch of horror for a spectacular spook-fest.

Across three acts the show will take you into the tale of the evil, yet seductive Mistress and her servant Quasi who manage a creepy rundown hotel frequented by guests including Detective Shylock Bones and his colleague Doctor Watsup. When the hotel guests get together for The Monsters’ Ball, a thrilling mystery will unfold.

Audience members are welcome to dress in horror theme so grab your witches hat and your devil horns and head to the Emu Sports Club for this delightfully frightful event.
What a way to celebrate Halloween this year!

‘The Mystery of the Monsters’ Big Ball’ will be on at the Emu Sports Club in Leonay on Saturday, October 31, Saturday, November 7, Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14. Performances are at 6.30pm. Tickets are $55 for dinner and show and $25 for show only. To book tickets visit www. trybooking.com/142166 or to reserve show only call 4735 5422.

Kate Reid

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