Geoff Brown enters election race

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Geoff Brown, who narrowly missed out on election to Penrith City Council last year, has been named as the Lindsay candidate for the Stable Population Party at this year’s Federal Election.

The Stable Population Party will launch its election campaign this Sunday.

In its first Federal Election, the party is standing candidates for The Senate in every state and territory, as well as a range of strategic local seats including Melbourne, Lindsay and Warringah.

“Population growth is now the underlying issue linked to all of Australia’s major problems. It’s time to think better, not bigger. No other party provides a stable population choice,” said William Bourke, President and NSW Senate candidate for the Stable Population Party.

“In a finite world, more people means fewer resources per person, like land, water, oil and minerals. A stable population will therefore help create a more resilient economy, to sustain and enhance prosperity. A stable population will also help relieve infrastructure, ease cost of living pressures, protect our environment, promote education and job training, and minimise high-rise and sprawl. We won’t resolve any of our major problems until we first resolve the everything issue – population.

“Population growth is back to Kevin Rudd’s ‘big Australia’ target of 40 million by 2050, and Mr Rudd has just axed the Population Ministry. Incredibly, The Greens will not discuss the population issue.

“We are also taking on Tony Abbott in Warringah, who has called for Australia to be home to ‘as many people as possible’. Mr Abbott has been dishonestly using boats to distract us from his ‘big Australia’ population agenda that includes paving paradise in Northern Australia.”

Lindsay candidate Mr Brown is the President of the Western Sydney Conservation Alliance.

“Penrith’s projected population growth will not be good for the region,” Mr Brown said.

“We’ve got to change this endless growth mindset. The only hope we have of arresting further environmental and social decline is if we stabilise our population. We just can’t keep expanding residential areas because we’ll lose vital farmland and bushland.”

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