Bradbury backs carbon price

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David Bradbury says many members of his community have been "misled, deceived and scared" by the campaign against carbon tax reform.


In a speech to Parliament yesterday, the Lindsay MP said he remains confident that a majority of his constituents believe that climate change is real and that action to reduce its causes and effects is necessary.


"The nature of this debate, inflamed by the sometimes uninformed and often irresponsible interventions of many – not least of all the Leader of the Opposition – has made it difficult for a rational discussion of this significant but complex public policy challenge," Mr Bradbury said.


"I have met with, discussed and listened with respect to the views of literally thousands of my constituents on this matter over the last four years and I have been presented with a wide range of views.


"As the Member for Lindsay I have offered and will continue to offer my constituents my diligence and my industry, but in considering the package before the House, I must rely upon my judgement.


"It is my firm conviction that the interests of my electorate, the nation and the interests of future generations demand that we must price carbon so that we may begin our nation’s journey down the most effective, least cost path towards tackling climate change."

Weekender News Network

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