Throwing variety into your diet

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katereidSometimes in an attempt to eat well we forget that food is about more than just nutrients.

Food can be a social activity, a pleasurable experience and a way to celebrate life’s milestones.

Unfortunately this is something that tends to get lost in among the calorie counting and food shaming.

So this week I thought I’d offer some ideas to bring some enjoyment back to healthy, balanced eating.

Make an effort to try new foods

Being more adventurous with what you eat is a great way to add variety to your diet and may also help you to discover a new favourite.

When you go to the supermarket instead of just heading straight for the usual items on your shopping list, have a bit of a look around and see what’s new.

When eating out try a new cuisine or a new restaurant, or if you’re a bit strapped for cash organise a dinner party with friends and have everyone bring a different dish.

Focus on inclusion not exclusion

Often our focus is on what we feel we shouldn’t be eating.

Instead, why not focus on including more nutrient dense foods in your diet.

For example you could up your vegetable intake, eat more whole grains or add more fruit into your diet.

By eating more of the good stuff first you’ll have less room for the nutrient poor foods.

Take a cooking class

I will admit, I’ve never been much of a cook.

But one of my favourite memories from a trip to Cambodia a few years ago was taking a cooking class at a local restaurant.

Pick a cuisine you love, grab a friend and make a day out of it.

Avoid diet shaming articles

Healthy eating should be about variety and balance, but unfortunately that message doesn’t tend to be quite as marketable as ‘how to lose 10 kilos in a week by living on green bananas’.

If you come across information that is advocating restrictive dieting, just keep moving.

It’s a hard thing to navigate but it’s important that you don’t get sucked in.

Happy eating!

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