The Belmore Street commuter car park will re-open in late December, Penrith City Council says.
Hundreds of car park spots were lost during the Penrith Station upgrade when the Belmore Street parking lot was closed to accommodate a temporary bus interchange.
Council constructed a temporary car park on the north-side of the station and temporarily lifted parking restrictions on the streets in Thornton to provide interim commuter parking during the recent work at the station.
The temporary car park at Thornton, a future development site, will close on December 31. At the same time 2P and 4P parking restrictions will be reinstated along streets in Thornton.
“Council is continuing to work on practical solutions to reduce stress on commuter car parking. But we can’t do it alone – it is the State Government’s responsibility to ensure our commuters have sufficient parking,” said Penrith Mayor John Thain.
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