A new cattle herd has arrived at the Emu Plains Correctional Centre.
“Having cows at this site has been a long standing tradition and I know the local community will welcome their return,” said Penrith MP Stuart Ayres.
“More cattle will arrive in coming months bringing the total up to about 50 head.”
Cows were removed from the site last year as plans towards an expansion of the Correctional Centre moved forward. However, a decision was made not to proceed with the expansion.
“The cattle herd will be used in the agricultural program as part of the rehabilitation of prisoners and I am pleased to see this will continue,” Mr Ayres said.
The cows will be tended by minimum-security female inmates from the nearby correctional centre.
Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) continues to operate a milk processing facility on the site with raw milk supplied by external dairies and then pasteurised, homogenised and packaged on site, before being distributed to CSNSW inmates around the state.
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