Bartender at the Milestone Hotel in Kingswood, Shondelle O’Connor, is currently leading the pack in NSW in this year’s U.G.L.Y Bartender of the Year campaign, run by the Leukaemia Foundation.
The campaign is aimed at getting the hospitality industry involved in fundraising for the Leukaemia Foundation in any way possible.
Ms O’Connor, who has been in the business for almost 10 years, is fronting the hotel’s campaign. The hotel will run a series of car washes and some trivia nights as well as their Tuesday meat raffles with all the proceeds from each event going towards their end tally.
Ms O’Connor said she is happy to be involved as it’s something close to her heart.
“My cousin was diagnosed with Leukaemia when we were younger and at one stage they thought I had it,” Ms O’Connor said.
“My uncle also had it so it is something quite close to me – the team and I all jumped at the opportunity to help out.”
The campaign is run for just over a month with Ms O’Connor’s goal set at $10,000.
“If I become the top fundraiser in the state, I said I would cut my hair off,” she said.
Currently sitting at $4,650, Ms O’Connor is hoping she will maintain the lead throughout the campaign.
A big trivia day along with other forms of entertainment will be held on November 14 at the Milestone Hotel with the team putting the call out to local businesses to dig deep and donate any goods, services or cash for prizes. Visit for more info.
– Jade Aliprandi
Weekender Newsroom
This post has been published by the team in our newsroom.