Passing the baton: Why Gardiner is leading North Ward Independent ticket

Glenn Gardiner and Kevin Crameri.
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Kevin Crameri’s 50-year career in local politics is on the verge of ending.

Crameri has been a staple on Penrith City Council since 1974. In that time, he has served as Mayor three times and as Deputy Mayor.

The Independent has been a strong advocate for a range of issues, particularly in our rural suburbs.

Now, he’s handing the reigns to Glenn Gardiner – who will lead the Independent ticket in North Ward at the upcoming Council election.

As both Gardiner and Crameri served on the same Council and in the community together, they came to recognise they shared the same community beliefs.

“I first met Kevin on an RFS training course about 10 years ago,” Gardiner said.

“By the end of that day, I had gained a great deal of respect for Kevin. In every action, Kevin demonstrated that his passion for the community is unwavering, his dedication to the detail unquestionable and his commitment to serving his fellow man second-to-none.

“I have not met a person so involved in so many aspects of the community, over such a long period of time. He has served on countless committees, a firefighter for over 60 years, and first elected to Council in 1974.”

Crameri will be sitting as Gardiner’s number two on the ticket as his health has declined. Based on previous elections, it would be unlikely the ticket will get its number two elected, effectively ending Crameri’s time on Council.

Kevin Crameri passes the Independent baton to Glenn Gardiner.

“My health won’t allow me to be number one, I can’t physically run a campaign,” Crameri said.

“So, I have selected the best person that I can find to do that job… I’m hoping that the rural area will support Glenn and I.”

Gardiner shared that he was honoured to receive such support from Crameri.

“When I advised Kevin that I would be contesting the upcoming election as an Independent, Kevin immediately declared his support for me and subsequently offered to join my ticket,” Gardiner said.

“I am both honoured and humbled to be supported by Kevin.”

In a ceremonious moment to officially mark the so called changing of the guard for the Independent ticket, Crameri passed a baton to Gardiner.

“Receiving this baton from Kevin indentures me to pick up where Kevin has left off, he has imposed an obligation on me to represent the community as well as he has, to dedicate myself to the plights of the average person as well as he has and to adhere to his moto “Penrith, not Politics” as well as he has,” Gardiner said.

“This is a big undertaking but one that I accept, with gratitude.”

The Local Government election will be held on Saturday, September 14.

Gardiner currently sits as a Liberal Councillor.

Emily Chate

Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.

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