Kingswood resident claims she has faced assault and abuse at Homes NSW complex

Julie Sretenovic just wants to feel safe in her home. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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A Kingswood resident is fed up with her living standards and is pleading for someone to help her.

Julie Sretenovic has lived in a housing unit on Rodgers Street in Kingswood for over a decade and has gradually started to face a range of physical, psychological and verbal abuse from other residents in the unit complex.

“This is the tip of the iceberg,” Sretenovic told the Weekender.

“Everything has just gone bad.”

Sretenovic has complained about her living conditions to Homes NSW but believes she has been ignored and feels like her complaints aren’t taken seriously.

“I shouldn’t be placed in this danger, I’m one woman alone,” Sretenovic said.

“They hang in the stairwell, and I want out! I’ve been to the Housing… I’ve done all that.

“I’ve been to the Police; I’ve got it all documented. I’ve got plenty of medical [documents to show] I’m struggling, what else do I have to do? I don’t understand. I’ve had enough.”

Sretenovic said the unit complex wasn’t like this when she first moved in 12 years ago, but began to change as new residents moved in.

“The bottom line is I want out. I’ve had enough,” Sretenovic said.

“When I moved here it wasn’t like this, it was clean and there were decent people here and now they are just like animals.”

Sretenovic shared that she just wants to feel safe and secure in her home, which doesn’t appear possible at her complex.

“This is not fair, and this is not right,” Sretenvoic said.

Homes NSW operate the housing unit and said in a statement that they will be looking further into Sretenovic’s concerns that she has raised.

“Homes NSW takes reports of anti-social behaviour incredibly seriously,” a spokesperson for Homes NSW said.

“Homes NSW’s goal is always to provide a home environment that is safe and secure for all tenants who are living within social housing.

“A complaint was lodged with the Homes NSW Client Feedback Unit (CFU) concerning the behaviour of a neighbour on 14 August 2024.

“Since this date, Homes NSW has been working to progress the complaint and move the tenant as requested.

“The alleged incident has also been referred to NSW Police.”

In the meantime, Sretenovic will remain living in a home she doesn’t feel safe in.

Emily Chate

Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.

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