Penrith City Council endorses permanent tribute to late ‘Pen Man’

John Boccanfuso was a regular fixture at Westfield Penrith.
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Penrith City Council last week unanimously voted to endorse the implementation of a commemorative plaque for John ‘Pen Man’ Boccanfuso, who passed away recently.

Boccanfuso was known by many in the Penrith community as the ‘Pen Man’ after selling charity pens for 50 years in the local area, primarily at Westfield.

Independent Penrith City Councillor Marlene Shipley brought the motion forward during urgent business at the July Ordinary Meeting, asking for Council to fund a plaque for Boccanfuso to be placed in the gardens between Council and Westfield Penrith.

“I’m sure Penrith Plaza will be doing their own thing in recognition of John,” Shipley said.

“So I thought that a beautiful garden in between Penrith City Council chambers and the Plaza would be great recognition.”

Independent Councillor Marlene Shipley. Photo: Melinda Jane.

Westfield has confirmed it will work to establish a permanent memorial to honour the work and dedication of Boccanfuso throughout his time at the shopping centre.

Shipley said that she felt the motion was important to raise at the meeting as so many people in the Penrith community had a connection with Boccanfuso.

“I thought it was imperative that we recognise somebody who gave so much of himself to Penrith,” she said.

“Everybody that shops here and lives here, whether it be from [Boccanfuso’s] days [selling pens] in High Street [before] moving over to the Plaza, everybody had their own story and some affiliation with him.

“A lot of people still actually have one of his pens in their drawer at home.

“So, I thought it was the least Penrith Council could do in recognising someone that was so committed to the community and did his best.”

John Boccanfuso selling pens in 1988. Photo: Penrith City Library.

Councillors all backed Shipley’s motion for the commemorative plaque.

“It was unanimous… there wasn’t a single person that didn’t think that it was a great idea,” Shipley said.

“So, I’m happy to have all of their support on this.”

The next steps for the placing of the plaque are already in motion.

“Council officers will now source the plaque and come up with some pricing options and then we will move another motion in Council to support the dollar figure,” Shipley said.

Council’s next Ordinary Meeting will be held on Monday, August 26.

A memorial service for Boccanfuso was held earlier this month.

Emily Chate

Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.

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