Council requests review of traffic light phasing at busy Cranebrook intersection

Councillor Robin Cook at the intersection on Wednesday. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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Penrith City Councillor Robin Cook has raised concerns about the intersection of Sherringham Road and The Northern Road at Cranebrook.

Cook is worried about the amount of time residents who are turning right onto The Northern Road have allocated to them before the light turns red.

Cook said that only two or three cars get through the green light before it turns red.

“Only two cars get through and four if they go through the red light,” Cook said.

“So, that’s why I asked for it to be looked at.

“It’s not under our control, it’s under NSW Transport, that’s why I brought it up with the traffic committee.”

Cook brought the issue forward at the July meeting of the Local Traffic Committee where it was recommended that the issue be brought to Transport for NSW.

“[It’s recommended that] Council’s Traffic Engineering Officers write to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) requesting a review of the traffic light phasing/sequencing with a view of increasing the green light time for vehicles turning right from Sherringham Road onto The Northern Road, Cranebrook and advise Councillor Cook of TfNSW’s response,” the report said.

Cook said that she had experienced the issue and had a series of concerned parties raise the issue with her.

“It had been mentioned by a few constituents over the last few months and I’ve used the road myself, occasionally,” Cook said.

“What worried me was that because the phasing is so brief to turn right people are taking risks.

“It’s dangerous because they are going around on the red lights.”

Cook realises that The Northern Road is a main thoroughfare but believes this intersection needs increased traffic flow.

“I understand that The Northern Road needs to be kept flowing, especially during peak hour times with people getting to work, but there is also people accessing the road from this suburb who are going to work or going to Penrith,” Cook said.

“My main concern is seeing people take the risks.”

Ultimately, Cook would like to see more time in the green light at the intersection.

“I’d just like to see a few more cars be allowed through because the drivers obviously get frustrated and that’s when they take a risk if they are in a hurry,” she said.

“So, I’d just like the phasing to have a little bit more leeway.”

Council this week moved the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee meeting and now Council Officers will write to TfNSW.

Emily Chate

Emily Chate joined The Western Weekender in 2024, and covers local news - primarily courts and politics. A graduate of the University of Wollongong, Emily has contributed to The Daily Telegraph and worked as a freelance journalist.

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