Remembrance Day services to be held in Penrith and St Marys

City of Penrith RSL Sub-Branch President Jeff Townsend and Vice President Tim Badger.
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Members of the local community will come together this Saturday with Remembrance Day services to be held in Penrith and St Marys.

On Saturday, the city will fall silent as hundreds of people pause to honour those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation.

In the lead up to the services, Penrith RSL Sub-Branch Vice President Tim Badger is reflecting on his own experience serving and the importance of the day.

“It is a day where we can pass the baton on and educate the younger generation about the significance of history and the importance of cherishing peace,” he told the Weekender.

“It’s also an opportunity to foster a sense of gratitude, empathy and respect for those who served and continue to serve our great nation today.”

Ceremonies will be held all over the country to coincide with the traditional minute’s silence at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month.

For Badger, it is a time to remember the 102,820 sailors, soldiers and airmen who made the ultimate sacrifice over the last 110 years.

“This minute of silence will allow all Australians the opportunity to reflect and remember those who died or suffered for Australia’s cause in all wars and armed conflicts,” he said.

“It is also a time to reflect on the hundreds of thousands of men and women who came home from conflicts injured, both physically and mentally.”

After the Penrith service at Memory Park, ex-servicemen and women and their families are invited to enjoy morning tea and refreshments at Penrith RSL with other members of the sub-branch.

Badger, who served in the Royal Australian Navy for 33 years, was medically discharged as a Command Warrant Officer two-and-a-half years ago.

Since then, he has dedicated his time to helping other ex-servicemen and women.

He said giving veterans the opportunity to connect with others who have had similar experiences is extremely helpful, especially for those living with PTSD.

“We’ve all got injuries and a lot of us have mental health issues but together we can tackle most problems,” Badger said.

“It’s all about helping our veterans.”

Badger is encouraging people of all ages to come along, stand as one and help keep the legacy alive.

Anyone wishing to attend the Penrith service is being asked to arrive at 10.40am for an 11am start at Memory Park.

A service will also be held at St Marys Diggers Club at the War Memorial from 10.40am.

Makayla Muscat

Formerly with the ABC, Makayla is a graduate of Western Sydney University. She covers a variety of news topics for the Weekender, including courts.

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