Eight ways you can support Pink Up Penrith

The Penrith Civic Centre has gone pink this month.
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With Pink Up Penrith now in full swing, there’s so much residents can get involved in to help raise much needed funds for the McGrath Foundation.

Pink Up Penrith creates awareness and raises funds for Breast Care Nurses at Nepean Hospital.

The Weekender even turned its masthead pink last week in support.
Here’s eight things you can do to get involved and support the ‘Pink Up Your Town’ initiative this month.

Duck In Raffle

Pink Up Penrith’s main raffle is back online and all ticket sales will go to the McGrath Foundation’s Pink Up Penrith.

It will be drawn at the end of the month and $3000 worth of prizes will be given away.

Entrants can purchase one ticket for $5, three tickets for $10 or seven tickets for $20.

To get yours, visit https://duckin.com.au/collections/pink-up-penrith-raffle-tickets.

Melbourne Cup Lunch

On November 7, Penrith Rotary will be hosting a decadent Melbourne Cup event at Lakeside Restaurant to support Pink Up and Our Community Cares.

From 12.30pm, guests will be able to enjoy a seafood buffet and dessert, participate in fashions on the field and win lucky door prizes.

Tickets are on sale for $85. To book, visit https://bit.ly/Rotary-Melbourne-Cup-Lunch.

York Jewellers’ Diamond Pendant Raffle

In support of Pink Up Penrith, York Jewellers is raffling an exclusive Pink Caviar Diamond Pendant, worth $2,868.

Locals are encouraged to buy one ticket for $5 or 12 tickets for $50 before Wednesday, November 8.

To purchase tickets online, visit https://yorkjewellers.com.au/products/pink-diamond-pendant-raffle-ticket-2023.

The Log Cabin’s Going Pink

The Log Cabin have partnered with the McGrath Foundation to help paint the town pink.

Guests can enjoy limited edition pink cocktails and dessert specials, and $2 for every one purchased will be donated to Pink Up Penrith.
They are also hosting a Pink Comedy Night at the end of the month to raise money.

For more information, visit http://www.thelogcabin.com.au/pink-up-penrith.

Penrith RSL Raffle

Penrith RSL is encouraging locals to come along and enjoy a fun afternoon at the Star Buffet.

Last year, they raised over $10,000 through their Pink Raffle, and they’re hoping to do the same on Sunday, October 22. They will be raffling off 60 prizes and people at the club will be able to purchase tickets from 1pm on the day.

The raffle will be drawn at 4.30pm.

To find out more, visit http://www.pinkuppenrith.com.au/event-info/pink-raffle-at-penrith-rsl.

Pink Drinks at Panthers

Squire’s Terrace at Panthers will be holding a fundraising event on Sunday, October 29.

From 4pm to 10pm, locals are invited to enjoy a night of pink cocktails, live music and prizes.

For more information, visit http://www.pinkuppenrith.com.au.

Sydney Water Shower Timers

Did you know that you can help raise money without even spending a cent?

All you have to do is pick up a free shower timer and scan the QR code on the packaging to register it.

Sydney Water will do the rest, and make a donation to Pink Up.

Get yours from Millers or the Penrith CBD Corporation office.

Check out the Civic Centre

Penrith City Council has illuminated the Civic Centre pink to raise awareness and funds.

It will continue to light up every night until the end of October.

Makayla Muscat

Formerly with the ABC, Makayla is a graduate of Western Sydney University. She covers a variety of news topics for the Weekender, including courts.

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