New school slated for January 2023 opening

Fencing has recently been erected at the site, with construction scheduled to begin later this year. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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Glenmore Park parents eager to enrol their children at the new Mulgoa Rise Primary School will only have another year to wait, with doors scheduled to open to students in January 2023.

The State Significant Development, promised by Mulgoa MP Tanya Davies at the last election, reached a major milestone recently, with the Department of Education lodging a Development Application (DA) with the Department of Planning.

To be built on vacant land bounded by Deerubbin Drive, Darug Avenue and Forestwood Drive, the school will accommodate 414 students from the suburb’s newest estates with room for future expansion.

“The new primary school in Mulgoa Rise/Glenmore Park is to be designed and built to significantly improve educational outcomes and address the capacity shortfall across the area for an approximate 414 students initially, with the potential expansion to 1,000 as demand grows,” a document attached to the DA states.

Currently on public exhibition until September 30, designs for the school show a two-storey administration and library building, two two-storey classroom blocks, a single storey hall and covered outdoor learning area.

A large assembly area, games court, shared sensory play area and playground will also form part of the school development.

The site layout for the new school will see the buildings arranged along the north and west roads, playground and courts through the middle and the staff car park positioned on a small area at the east of the site.

“The new school will provide the surrounding community access to the school’s core facilities and will also provide Outside School Hours Care services to assist working families who commute and/or work extended hours,” the DA states.

“Whilst driving children to school is not promoted, parent pick-up and drop-off zones and 15 minutes parking zones will be provided along the three bounding streets.”

The three-hectare subject site, which sits on a former quarry, is suitable for development, according to the Environmental Impact Statement.

The southern portion of the sprawling suburb has boomed over the past decade, with 2,500 more homes, stretching as far as Chain-O-Ponds Road, slated in a yet-to-be-determined planning proposal for Glenmore Park Stage 3.

Alena Higgins

Alena Higgins is the Weekender's Senior News Reporter, primarily covering courts and Council issues.

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