Sniffing out an opportunity for dogs who need space to play

Sniffspace co-founder Tracey Horey with her dog Rafferty. Photo: Melinda Jane.
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Dog obsessed Emu Plains resident Tracey Horey is the co-founder of a unique new online platform that is set to get tails wagging.

Sniffspace is Australia’s only online directory of privately owned, safe and secure off-leash spaces that owners can rent for their dogs.

After owning her first anxious dog Rafferty, Ms Horey said the idea for Sniffspace was born.

“Just like humans, dogs need different spaces to explore and Raff is very well trained but doesn’t like some strangers or dogs with no manners, so off-leash dog parks aren’t the best option,” she said.

“There is also more dog-friendly apartment blocks and people buying into new estates with small blocks, so the need for spaces for dogs to play safely became evident.”

Still in its initial stages, where people can add their dogs or list their spaces for people to use, Ms Horey said it has received a positive response so far.

“We have had 750 people Australia-wide register their interest to either rent their land out or to add their dogs,” she said.

“There were about 300 from NSW and we have got a property in Londonderry and some in the Mountains, so I think the areas around the outskirts of Penrith would be perfect for this.”

Similar to Airbnb, Ms Horey said there will be terms and conditions to ensure both home owners and dog owners have a good experience.

“As a host, you can set the price, how long people can stay, how many dogs are allowed in the space and what size, all while making an extra income for your backyard,” she said.

“Dog owners can pick spaces up to a few acres, make sure the area is secure and that no other people or dogs are around so you can spend time bonding with your dogs while they go on a ‘Sniffari’.”

For more information on Sniffspace and to register your details, visit

Emily Feszczuk

A graduate of Western Sydney University, Emily covers Local, State and Federal politics for the Weekender, as well as crime and general news.

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