Two thirds of Penrith will be heading to the polls tomorrow for the East and South Ward by-election.
It’s a chance for residents to have their say on the local issues that matter to them.
“A dual by-election is being held to elect one Councillor each for the South and East Wards of Penrith Local Government Area on Saturday, May 12,” a Council spokesperson said.
“The by-election is required under the Local Government Act 1993 following the resignation of two Penrith Councillors in February.
“South Ward Councillor Joshua Hoole and East Ward Councillor Ben Price recently resigned citing personal circumstances.”
To fill the vacant South Ward seat, Liberal candidate Brian Cartwright will take on Labor’s Liam Rankine and Independent Sue Day.
South Ward residents include Glenmore Park, the majority of Orchard Hills, Mulgoa, South Penrith, Jamisontown, Leonay, Regentville, Luddenham, Badgerys Creek, Wallacia and parts of Emu Plains, Penrith City, Kemps Creek and Kingswood.
Over in East Ward, it’s a two way battle between Labor’s Robin Cook and the Liberal Party’s Belinda Hill.
The fate of East Ward will be decided by residents from the majority of Kingswood, Caddens, Claremont Meadows, St Marys, Colyton, St Clair, Erskine Park, Oxley Park, Kemps Creek, Mount Vernon and parts of Orchard Hills.
“The polls will be open from 8am to 6pm on Saturday, May 12 and voting is compulsory for all South and East Ward residents on the electoral roll,” the Council spokesperson said.
Residents in the North Ward don’t need to vote and can enjoy their Saturday as normal.
For East and South Ward residents, head to your local public school on Saturday, May 12 to cast your vote and have your say.
A full list of where to vote is available at http://www.austelect.com/elections/2018-penrith-city-council-election.
If you’re unsure of whether you need to vote, check enrolment details at roll.elections.nsw.gov.au/NSWLookUp.
While you’re out to vote, don’t forget to bring some change for a delicious democracy sausage sizzle to help one of the local community fundraising efforts.
Emily Newton
Emily Newton is the Weekender's police and political reporter. Emily is also the Weekender's Senior Journalist.