The story of a Glenmore Park woman who was allegedly tied up and assaulted in her home earlier this month has taken a dramatic twist, with police claiming she made it up.
The woman has been charged with perverting the course of justice.
Police from Penrith Local Area Command initiated an investigation in the early hours of November 4 after a 33-year-old woman told them she’d been attacked in her home.
The woman was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance Paramedics before being taken to Nepean Hospital.
Strike Force Ayre was formed to investigate the claims, comprising detectives from Penrith Local Area Command and the Sex Crimes Squad.
Strike Force Ayre detectives arrested the woman at a home in Glenmore Park yesterday and took her to Penrith Police Station.
Last night she was charged with ‘pervert the course of justice’, ‘make false accusation’ and ‘public mischief’.
The woman was refused bail and held in custody overnight before her appearance in Penrith Local Court later today.
The community was shocked when the news first broke earlier this month, with police initially labeling it a “targeted attack”.
“Based on the condition she was found in, it is a serious crime,” Superintendent Brett McFadden, Commander of Penrith Police Station, said at the time.
“She has suffered physical injuries and has had only the initial assessments at hospital so far.”
The charged woman has been named as 34-year-old Elisabeth Luque.
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