Special jobs concept launched

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Some of the city’s biggest local employment advocates have joined forces for the launch of a special new campaign targeted at getting more local residents placed in jobs close to home.

Labelled ‘Jobs are Here’ and embracing the ‘Penrith is Here’ brand, the initiative allows employers who have a position vacant in Penrith to advertise the job free of charge in The Western Weekender, therefore targeting specifically local applicants.

The project has been made possible by the support of key sponsors including Penrith City Council, Penrith Business Alliance, Bank of Queensland, McDonald’s North Penrith and the Penrith BEC.

One page every week will be dedicated to local job listings and promoting employment in the local area, with the aim of reducing the number of people who exit the area each day to go to work.

This exciting project will run exclusively in the Weekender over the next 12 months.

Employers are being asked to do their bit to help boost the number of people in local jobs by advertising their positions exclusively to the local market.

The Western Weekender has launched a special initiative, Jobs are Here, which enables local businesses to advertise Penrith-based employment opportunities free of charge.

The Weekender has launched the project in cooperation with Penrith City Council, Penrith Business Alliance, Penrith BEC, McDonald’s North Penrith and Bank of Queensland Penrith.

“Gridlock on the M4 and havoc on the trains is enough to prove that too many people are leaving Penrith every day to go to work,” said Weekender Sales Manager, Simon Gould.

“Statistics recently released show that something like 70 per cent of Penrith’s working population don’t work in the local area, and we need to change that.”

The Jobs are Here concept encourages local companies to advertise positions specifically in the Weekender, to encourage only local applications.

“Often when job ads are paid for whether it be in other publications or through the popular online mediums, you end up with applications from all over the place,” said Weekender Managing Editor, Troy Dodds.

“All we’re saying is that you should look in your own backyard first, because the enormous array of talent and skills here is phenomenal.”

Employers can advertise their jobs by emailing jobsarehere@mediaview.com.au

See the Jobs are Here page in the print edition of the Weekender. 

Weekender News Network

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