Greens Leader Adam Bandt has confirmed that the party would preference Labor ahead of the Liberals across the country.
Greens Local and State branches finalised preference recommendations for how-to-vote cards this week ahead of early voting polling booths opening on May 9.
Greens how-to-vote cards, distributed at polling booths, will recommend a preference for Labor above the Coalition and place other right wing parties last. The Greens will also recommend a preference for climate independents in key Liberal held seats.
In the Senate the Greens will also recommend preferences to progressive candidates and Labor.
“At this election everyone should Vote 1 Greens to kick the Liberals out and put the Greens in the balance of power to push the next government to act on the climate crisis, get dental and mental health into Medicare and build affordable housing,” Mr Bandt said.
“People can safely vote Greens knowing they’ll kick Scott Morrison out and their preferences will go to Labor. If you follow the Greens’ how-to-vote card, your preferences will go to Labor.
“Across the country Greens how-to-vote cards will recommend preferencing Labor ahead of Scott Morrison and the Coalition.
“The Greens have put the Coalition, Palmer’s United Australia Party, One Nation and other extreme right wing parties last across every seat in Australia.”
“In a number of Liberal seats, we’re recommending people vote 1 Greens then preference an independent.
“Voters get to decide where their preferences go, not political parties, but if you vote Greens and follow our how-to-vote card you will be helping kick Scott Morrison out.”

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