Successful people

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If you read this column often, you can probably tell that I have been researching what successful people do and in particular their traits. You can know all the tips and tricks in the world to apply in your business, but there also needs to be some qualities that you possess within to be successful.

I think it’s great advice to pass on because it can help you value your particular habits or traits that you live by.

So I have compiled some traits of successful people, some light-hearted and some more serious:

• They work hard: The assumption that people with money don’t work hard is so far from the truth.

• Live outside of their comfort zones: Don’t be afraid to fail, live and learn.

• Never content: Challenge ideas, there is always room for improvement.

• Be Yourself: Speaks for itself, don’t be fake.

• Repeat past successes: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Within reason of course, adapting to new tricks and technology is important too.

• Spend with rewards in mind: Not all rich people started with lots of cash. Any means that will extend the value of a dollar spent is taken into consideration.

• Accept quitting: Successful people aren’t afraid to stop what isn’t working. Be honest with yourself.

• Say ‘no’ more often than ‘yes’: Don’t hesitate to say ‘no’ to things that will inhibit your path to success.

• Invest early and often: Compound your empire.

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